Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A List of Repairs

This morning, I got two teeth fixed...

After that, the sole of my shoe ripped almost clean off.  I fixed it, but now it sounds funny when I walk.

 Before all of this happened, as I was waking up this morning, my Dad sent me a text message that read,

"Bone marrow negative"

He has been going through cancer treatment for about a year.  The bone marrow test was the last test he needed to confirm his full recovery!  His eyebrows have been growing back and his hair is starting to come in again.  He beat cancer!
So, three things were repaired today: my teeth, my sole, and my Dad.

This next bit of good news doesn't measure up to that of my father's recovery, but it is icing on the cake.
Positive things are happening at work

All in all, the best day evah!


Anonymous said...

Dang, that's awesome!

If you want to repair your shoe, I'd use Loctite. It doesn't just work on armatures!

Not sure what you're looking for in terms of comfortable footwear, but Converse One Stars at Target are pretty good. They have a nice, wide toebox, unlike the All-Stars and cost almost half as much.

jriggity said...


and the shows got character now.....
